Resep: Nikmat Bolu Ferminyes Rum Raisin

masakan rumahan, spesial and tasty.

Bolu Ferminyes Rum Raisin. VelvetineNut asked me to post this--it's hardly a recipe and the quantities listed are estimates. The result is wonderful--plump juicy raisins that add incredible flavor to cakes, cookies, fudge, bread pudding, etc. For bourbon or dark rum, I suggest dark raisins.

Bolu Ferminyes Rum Raisin Stir together all ingredients except the raisins. Bonislawsky DBA Astigmatic (AOETI) (, with Reserved Font Name "Rum Raisin". Raisin cinnamon bread is good, but rum raisin cinnamon bread is better! Cara dapatkan Menyiapkan Bolu Ferminyes Rum Raisin buat-buat 12 tubuh dari 14 latihan. Kamu bisa tampil bahwa.

faktor dari Bolu Ferminyes Rum Raisin

  1. You need 3 butir of Telur.
  2. It's 7 sdm of Gula Pasir (sesuai selera).
  3. It's 1/2 sdt of SP.
  4. It's Sejumput of Garam.
  5. Prepare 1 sdt of Ragi Instant.
  6. Prepare 3 sdm of Air Hangat.
  7. You need 2 sdm of Susu Bubuk.
  8. It's 8 sdm of Tepung Terigu.
  9. Prepare 100 gr of Mentega (lelehkan).
  10. Prepare 3 sdm of Rum.
  11. Prepare of Raisin Secukupnya sesuai selera.
  12. You need of Pasta Coklat Secukupnya buat dekorasi topping.

Eat it toasted with a pat of butter or smear of cream cheese, make French toast. My rum raisin bread is a little different. I soak the raisins in warm rum for a couple of hours until the raisins are plump, juicy, and super flavorful. This Rum Raisin Fruitcake came about as the result of a question from one of our long time followers.

Bolu Ferminyes Rum Raisin terus menerus bahan

  1. Aktifkan ragi dg mencampurnya dg 1 sdt gula pasir dan air hangat..Biarkan berbusa...
  2. Kocok telur, gula pasir, SP dan garam hingga mengembang..putih kaku berjejak...
  3. Masukkan ragi yg sudah aktif..aduk dg speed rendah sebentar...
  4. Masukkan susu bubuk dan terigu sambil diayak sedikit demi sedikit..aduk rata...
  5. Masukkan Rum dan sebagian Raisin..aduk rata...
  6. Terakhir masukkan mentega cair..aduk rata dg teknik aduk balik...
  7. Siapkan loyang yg uda dioles mentega dan ditaburi terigu..Sementara itu siapkan jg dandang kukusan..panaskan airnya...
  8. Tuang sebagian adonan dlm loyang lalu tabur sisa raisin..lalu tutup lagi dg adonan sisanya..teknik ini agar raisin tidak tenggelam semua didasar loyang spt punya saya ini...😅 Krn buru2..saya campur semua raisin dlm adonan..yg hasilnya tenggelam didasar semua...
  9. Setelah semua adonan dituang dlm loyang..(sisakan sedikit buat dicampur pasta coklat)...hentak2an sebentar agar udaranya keluar...
  10. Campur sisa adonan yg tertinggal diwadah dg pasta coklat..lalu tuang diatas adonan loyang...dg garpu..buat motif melingkar lingkar sbg dekorasinya...
  11. Kukus dg api kecil cenderung sedang..hingga matang...
  12. Angkat & biarkan dingin..baru keluarkan dr loyang...
  13. Potong sesuai selera dan siap disajikan...
  14. Selamat Mencoba...

There are no shortage of questions from readers at the height of the Christmas baking season but this one got me thinking. Using your fingers crumble together with the dry ingredients until you get a coarse sandy texture and set aside. Stir the sour cream mixture into the flour to form a lumpy batter similar to pancake batter (do not overmix the batter). Rum raisin was on the top of my list, but it only took a few spoonfuls for rum raisin to join the ranks of my favorite flavors, and years later I still have a soft spot Reading this recipe for Rum Raisin Gelato from The Ciao Bella Book of Gelato and Sorbetto reminded me just why this flavor has such resonance. Rum-soaked raisins impart distinct flavor into these cinnamon rolls that make an ordinary breakfast extraordinary!